Toddler Time
Share your love of climbing with your toddler (ages 1-3) with toddler sized climbing walls and obstacle courses!
We schedule Toddler Time dates at the beginning of each month (generally two Sundays of each month). Please sign up for the Toddler Time newsletter here to receive the dates for each month!
Registration Instructions
Account Holders
Login to the member portal
Click on “Booking” -> “Book a class”
Select “Toddler Time” and the appropriate week
Click on the class and follow the prompts for payment
Note: if you have a 5 pass pack or beginner’s pack, you may need to add “General User Registration” before being able to book the class. To do this, click on “Purchase” -> “Buy a new membership” -> “General User Registration” ($0)
No Account
Go to member portal and click “Sign Up”
Click on “General User Registration” and fill in your own information (not your child’s information)
Click on “Booking” -> “Book a class”
Select “Toddler Time” and the appropriate week
Click on the class and follow the prompts for payment
In your member portal, click“Add Linked Family Member” to add your child into the system
NOTE: When adding each child, please click on “Additional membership” and select “General User Registration” in the membership drop down for each person added